Healthy Soil Compost

Season Two Finale

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Jonathan Scheffel grew up in Atlanta and at a young age, felt drawn to the idea of living in a bigger city. So when the time came, he packed his things and decided to attempt walking all the way up to Chicago. Exhausted and emotionally drained, he landed in Virginia visiting his sister, and took a train to finish the journey. Once Jonathan arrived in Chicago, he knew he would pour himself into urban agriculture. He learned the ins and outs of thermodynamics and it all clicked. Today he runs a rapidly growing compost pick up service for both Chicago businesses and residents and continues to teach us all the importance of keeping a closed loop system whenever possible. Jonathan Scheffel is one of the hardest working individuals in Chicago and a true inspiration.

“When I learned thermodynamics, it just hit me. This totally make sense; waste as an input to another system and keeping a closed-loop system is what I feel most attracted to.”


We need your help!

Since filming, Healthy Soil's partner decomposer, Nature's Little Recyclers has been threatened to be shut down by the city of Chicago. One of their farms has already been illegally bulldozed and about $15-$20,000 worth of materials, assets and compost were thrown out. The work they are doing cannot be replaced and they need our help. 

The men behind Nature's Little Recyclers have put so much hard work into this taxing endeavor. Their work is able to sequester carbon and nearly eliminate methane emissions. They process waste from hundreds of residents, dozens of businesses and even the Chicago Marathon. The cups and banana peels from the race didn’t go to a landfill, they became soil used to grow food and flowers! 

We need to do what we can to keep them around. Please take a moment to sign this petition and make the city more accommodating to the composters who keep our city GREEN: 

Allie Kushnir